Advanced Coding
Unplugged Coding - Great for all ages, particularly for beginning coders
STEP 1: Introduce the vocabulary and the coding movement pieces.
STEP 2: Teach how to move the piece one instruction at a time.
STEP 3: Add a challenge by requiring multiple stopping points along the path.
STEP 4: Add more complexities by requiring certain objects to be picked up, discarded, or "jumped over".
STEP 5: Divide into groups, individually create instruction, then let a group member test it.
STEP 6: Work as a group to create instruction with multiple possibilities available to achieve the goal. This will require communication and everyone agreeing on a set path. Students will fill out a recording sheet as a group to show their thought process along the way. Have another group test the instruction. Did their coding result in the intended goal?
K-1: "How to Code a Sandcastle" by Josh Funk
Learn: sequencing, if/then conditions, and looping
2-6: "How to Code a Roller Coaster" by Josh Funk
Add variables
Gingerbread Coding: